



A conjectural analysis of the Haitian political panorama two months prior to the legislative election. An address to the UN, UE, the OAS, the OAU, the Caricom, to Washington, to Paris, to Ottawa to all the Latin and Caribbean countries. 
The prevailing situation in Haiti and the experience of the Préval administration continue to raise concerns about the future direction of the country. Widespread corruption and violence including the willingness of the President to engage the country in risky and fraudulent elections will open the way for handling a poor transition, creating problems for situation to be stabilized politically and economically. This could trigger a severe political crisis and a collapse of confidence reducing the prospect for foreign and domestic investments as well as the loss of international cooperation. 
Consequently, the emergence of a new leadership and a new political system is imperative to achieve effectiveness and efficiency in government, to change the social and economic conditions of the people, and to tackle widespread issues of corruption. While recognizing the responsibility of Haitian people to take control of their own destiny, we cannot ignore the United States government’s geo-political role in safeguarding Central American countries against the threat of dictatorship government, corruption and repressive regime. Today we, as a country, face the biggest challenge for democratic elections, which are crucial to ensure a better political future for Haiti, to bring peace, prosperity and stability. With respect to the general elections, the current procedures put in place by the government have shown little hope since President Rene Garcia Préval has broken the rules of law by using his own electoral machine to push for an official election in favor of his own party. 
By refusing to accept an independent electoral council to manage the elections as required by the constitution, the President has created a climate of uncertainty that calls into question the transparency and credibility of the electoral process. By means of corruption, he has gained the entire control of the electoral council members by imposing his own rules and procedures, giving policy directives for the conduct of the next parliament and presidential elections, which are scheduled for February 2010 and November 2010, respectively. For instance, the President has scheduled in his office an emergency meeting in which other parties’ parliament members, Senators and local elected officials were on attendance. The purpose of the meeting was to persuade outgoing elected officials to join his party if they want to be reelected.  
Despite significant opposition from other political party rivals, the current government vows to pursue its agenda; although this approach violates the constitutional rules. In addition, the county’s scarce financial resources, assets and privileges are largely used by the President to pay well trained individuals to be in charge of the voting polls in an attempt to falsify the elections’ results. Each candidate from the ruling party was provided with lump sum cash and government facilities to run their elections campaign.  
In addition, as a requirement to participate in the election, the President has imposed a registration fee of $ 10,000 Haitian dollars for a Congress candidate and $20, 000 dollars for a Senate candidate while the required fee for the past elections was $1,000 Haitian dollars for each candidate of both entities. This was a deliberate decision by the President to restrict other parties’ candidates from participating in the electoral process or to make them ineligible due to financial limitations.  
As a matter of fact, it is unrealistic for party leaders to participate in an election officially planned by a President. In Haiti, people continue to express their dissatisfaction about the mismanagement of the State and the way the country’s future can be compromised with the handling of the elections. So, the political atmosphere created by the President will endanger the welfare of the country, leading to further deterioration and increase the likelihood of mounting instability and the risk of civil war. Without the support of the international community and the United States in particular, there will be no solution in the near and medium term. The educated middle class people, the private sector business and the socially disadvantaged are tired of the current situation.  
The presence of the United Nations troops in Haiti does not guarantee the political stability needed, instead, it provides the basis for the President to maintain the statue quo, to use excessive leadership power and authoritarian style of governance that minimizes the prospect for a stable political environment and a fair election. The rising crime and killing of key personalities in the country is creating a climate of fear and uncertainty, which could discourage greater participation in the electoral process. 
Such a situation has raised growing confusion and doubts in a country where violence and crime are committed by different players. Historical experience reveals that instability in Haiti, sometimes, can be motivated by the desire to stay in power or to achieve major policy goals. The public is already aware of the President’s listing of his officially winning candidates, indicating that the elections will be conducted as just a routine and a simple formality.  
The same President has previously put the country in similar elections during his first term presidency backed up by the United Nations troops in 1995-2000. His attempt to control the political system is driven by two scenarios starting from his plan to change the constitution with a majority parliament in order to become Prime Minister, and to put in place some mechanisms designed to officially elect a President with whom he can cooperate as Prime Minister, or to seek a second presidential mandate at the end of his new elected president’s term.  
So, his desire to conduct an official election with an electoral council controlled by him provides for minimal opportunity for other political players. This tends to exacerbate the crisis further and make it difficult, if not impossible, for other parties to work for the implementation of a vibrant democratic system. For many years, the Haitian people could not confirm the validity of any election results due to fraud and lack of transparency since individuals getting access to the voting polls are those paid by the government to manipulate the outcome of the elections. Despite a national dialogue proposed by the opposition leaders with the President, he does not show any interest in such a dialogue since the intent is to discuss the procedures and integrity of the elections.  
We believe the time has come for due diligence to ensure accountability in government. Haiti can’t afford the continuity of a governmental party with no vision to address the critical issues and problems facing the country. Government interference in the judicial power to jail people unfairly and fraudulent elections has no place in a civilized society.  
We have a moral responsibility to work diligently to transform the country’s political landscape and the electoral process, to avoid the continued monopolization of the electoral process by President Preval. We find it therefore necessary to once again appeal to the international community to assist Haiti in this troubling times and to all people of good will to facilitate the promotion of a responsible leader in order to restore democracy and a peaceful stable political climate.  
The Coalition for the Defense of the Constitution, CODECO, believes that the country can still rely on well qualified and honest Haitians, both living in Haiti and abroad who have the willingness and the commitment to bring positive outcomes in terms of fighting poverty, ensuring high quality education, health care and social and economic development.  
For the Coalition of the Defense of the Constitution, CODECO of HAITI: 
Daniel Wellington, Coordinator 
Anthony Alouidor, Legal Counselor 
Yverose Charles, Treasurer 
Marie Carmelle Obas, Assistant Treasurer 
Clovis St Louis, Secretary  
Kénol Scott, Assistant Secretary  
Jude St Phard, Counselor 
Ing, Lionel Jn Louis, Counselor 
Dr.Jean Guy Valcourt, Counselor 
Jacques Camille, Spokesman

(c) CODECO D'HAITI - Créé à l'aide de Populus.
Modifié en dernier lieu le 11.01.2010
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